The PaddleSaver® (Patent Pending)


I was about a mile off the shore of Maui when I first lost a board at sea. As I struggled back with my paddle stuffed up my shorts one minute, throwing it out in front the next and generally going nowhere fast, I began thinking that there must be a solution to the old stand-up problem: how do you swim efficiently when you’re carrying a paddle? Once safely back on dry land, we got to work and after months of dragging paddles across pools and the ocean and honing our ideas and prototypes we finally found an answer: The PaddleSaver®. OK, so it might not change the world and it’s not going to stop your board disappearing either, but if The PaddleSaver™ makes it just a little bit easier for you to get back safely to shore all that effort will have been completely worth it.

The PaddleSaver® (Patent Pending) is included with The Spartan short.

By John


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