The First Cover - Bluesmiths Jeremy Riggs and Travis Baptiste


If you ever get the chance to paddle downwind with these guys, you really should. It`s a humbling experience. Just trying to keep up with them on this Maliko run for the French stand-up paddle (SUP) magazine "get up" took me back to my first down-wind runs with Loch Eggers and Dave Kalama. They are effortlessly fast, or at least that`s how it feels as you constantly overexert just to keep within eyeshot.

As a team, Jeremy and Travis are unstoppable downwind. They won the two person relay in the Molokai to Oahu (M20) World Championships this year. Individually, they`re right up there: Jeremy`s won the 14 foot class in the legendary Naish Maliko-Kahului race more times than anyone. This year Travis won his class in record time - and he`s only been competing in stand-up paddling since 2010. His results likely have a lot to do with expert coaching from Jeremy. Travis` outrigger canoe paddling experience, just like that of his 404 team-mate Danny Ching, may partially explain his success. The rest is down to sheer determination and commitment. 

Congratulations on the magazine cover, guys. It`s great to have you both on the Bluesmiths research and development program.

Big thanks to Frank and his crew at "get up" magazine - check out the magazine here. We really appreciate the support and best wishes with the quality magazine.


John & Bluesmiths

Jeremy and Travis are wearing The Spartan shorts and The Kanaha and The Lane paddle shirts respectively. #TheSpartan #TheLane #TheKanaha #paddlewithriggs

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